The Stork and the Ostrich:
In myth the stork brings babies and the ostrich, upon sensing danger, buries its head in the sand believing that if it can’t see you then you can’t see it.  There was once a delightful Bugs Bunny comic in which Bugs and his pal Porky Pig tangles with a tough and aggressive ostrich.  They attempted to use the bird’s delusion against it.  The delusion held, but the bird proved quite clever at working around it. 

Several years ago, I turned up irrefutable proof that genetic diversity depresses fertility and that this depression destroys societies.  I hastened to make this known to the experts who could easily work out the details and arrive at a cure, who had the training, the reputation and the funding to undertake such a project. I got the world’s coldest shoulder.  They went ostrich on me.  In the most recent posting I pointed out why there is reason to think that we are hardwired to ignore this issue if our genetic diversity has already increased into the dead zone.  The posting before that I pointed out that humans do what animals do, only better. 

Now putting the three ideas together, compare the behavior of mice and humans in the dead zone, when they are in plague mode.  When there is a plague of mice, the mice cease to be territorial.  Usually a male mouse will make strenuous efforts to defend its territory against any intruding male.  But during a plague, they stop that.  This assures that the genetic diversity will continue to rise and fertility will fall so that this gene pool, so dangerous to any others of its own species, will go extinct promptly and definitively.

We do the same things as humans, only we are much better at it, as we are at a number of things.  While the mice simply stop picking fights we do such things as ignore the question even when the evidence is thrust in our faces.  We understand it clearly and then moments later mumble a bit and then announce distinctly the idea that the bigger the gene pool the better.  (I had a case of this just the last weekend.)  We impose moral obligations and legal obligations on each other to encourage the increase in genetic diversity.  We claim things that seem high minded to us, but are in fact only reflections of that underlying drive … talking about such things as “mankind” or more recently “human kind” as if that were a biologically viable entity and something of some consequence as an entity.

We are smarter than mice.  Yet our intelligence does not get us out of danger.  It only makes things worse.

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